Age: Date of birth 01/05/15
Sex: Male
Breed: DSH
Colour: Black and white
Reason In: Sign over - I cannot be rehomed to the area of Efford as this is where I came from
Can I live with Dogs?
No - I prefer to not live with dogs
Can I live with Cats?
No - I prefer to not live with cats
Can I live with Children?
Yes - I am suitable to live with children 15 years and above but they must be cat savvy
What a whirl wind so far! I arrived at Gables very scared and unsure of everyone around me. As I didn’t know anyone and felt unsafe with all the new changes, I would hiss and swipe my paws at people as my defense mechanism and let them know I was not happy. It has taken a few months, but the people here have worked their magic and I am now a changed man. Through the time and patience given by the staff here, I have finally learnt to trust those closest to me. What I have also learnt to do is sit on whatever comfiest human is closest, regardless of how sprawled out I am! Legs everywhere with me! (If I fits I sits). Or, I will even use you like a human scratching post and climb up onto your shoulders. I now adore affection and enjoy being stroked whilst either my front tooth or little tongue pokes out. I will nestle into your neck and wrap my paws around you to draw you in closer. I do have sharp claws, so when I am scaling your body from your tootsies to your shoulders (my favourite perch) then you will just have to grin and bear it, as I love climbing my human friends!
In a new home I may revert back to being unsure and scared, you may hear some hisses if you may get too close for my liking at the beginning. If you give me the space I need to settle and the time needed to learn to trust you, you will have the snuggliest of cats. I would not be suitable for a first time owner, so my new adoptive parents must of owned cats before and understand my needs. Now I have pulled you in with all the good stuff, I will tell you a little secret… I am now so friendly and a little demanding, I will swipe at your hands to get you to stroke me if you are doing anything around me other than giving me fuss. I am a big character with an even larger personality. If you can respect my boundaries initially, go at my pace and understand I may be very wary of you at first, we could be the best friends before you know it.
Rescue – when a human gives a home to an animal who has no home, the human is rewarded with unconditional love forever.